Dry Eye Treatments

Dry eye treatments

care that matters.

Dry eye often occurs due to a lack of adequate tear formation, but it can also be triggered by increased tear evaporation and poor-quality tears that are unable to provide adequate moisture for your eyes. Dry eye can also occur when your oil and tear glands become blocked, preventing natural lubrication.

On occasion, dryness can signal the body to produce more tears and cause watery eyes. However, these tears mainly consist of water, which is not enough to provide adequate moisture.

Several factors can contribute to this condition, such as age, hormonal changes, and certain medications. Environmental factors can also contribute to dryness, including your air conditioning and heating systems. Using a humidifier can help add moisture to your indoor environment, especially during the winter months.

Dry eye treatments

care that matters.

Dry eye often occurs due to a lack of adequate tear formation, but it can also be triggered by increased tear evaporation and poor-quality tears that are unable to provide adequate moisture for your eyes. Dry eye can also occur when your oil and tear glands become blocked, preventing natural lubrication.

On occasion, dryness can signal the body to produce more tears and cause watery eyes. However, these tears mainly consist of water, which is not enough to provide adequate moisture.

Several factors can contribute to this condition, such as age, hormonal changes, and certain medications. Environmental factors can also contribute to dryness, including your air conditioning and heating systems. Using a humidifier can help add moisture to your indoor environment, especially during the winter months.

Treatment options

A consultation with our specialist will allow you to explore the available treatment options. It is important to discuss your symptoms and medical history with us, so we can determine the treatment that is right for you. We will create a customized treatment plan to help you achieve your unique goals and improve your quality of life.

Get in touch with us today to request an appointment or to speak to our staff.